Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Episode 017 with Matthias Einig on transforming your SharePoint full trust code
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
In episode 17, Jeremy Thake chats to Matthias Einig, a SharePoint MVP, about transforming SharePoint Full Trust Code to the SharePoint app model.
Weekly update
Office 365 APIs Starter Project for Windows
Sharing Documents with the SharePoint REST API by Steve Curran
Developing Apps against the Office Graph – Part 2 by Richard DiRezega
Exploring Office Graph and the Graph Query Language by Vardhaman Deshpande
Check if your mail app is opened in Outlook Web App or Outlook rich client by Elio Struyf
Show notes
Top 10 tips for preparing for the shift to the SharePoint App Model by Jeremy Thake
SharePoint Software Factory CodePlex project
SharePoint Solution Deployer CodePlex project
SPCop CE (Community Edition) Visual Studio extension
SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF)
SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) Visual Studio Extension
Office 365 Developer Patterns & Practices
Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About Matthias
Matthias is a SharePoint Server MVP originally from Bavaria in Germany. He currently lives in Stockholm, Sweden and owns RENCORE AB, the company behind the SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) and SharePoint Code Check (SPCop). You can follow him on @mattein and read his blog at http://www.matthiaseinig.de/.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Episode 016 with Andrew Connell on SharePoint workflow
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
In episode 14, Jeremy Thake chats to Andrew Connell, a SharePoint MVP, about SharePoint workflow with regards to versioning and calling remote web services.
Weekly update
Deploy Workflows to Host Web with Integrated Workflow Apps by Vardhaman Deshpande
Developing Apps against the Office Graph by Richard Dizerega
O365AngularLearning by Steven Follis
Angular Learning by James Cunningham
Dev.office.com Code Samples
Show notes
Authoring Markdown – What, Why, How by Andrew Connell
GitHub repo of the REST API presentation by Andrew Connell
Episode 045 – Office Client Apps in Office 365
Episode 044 – Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Offering with Seayoung Rhee
Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About Andrew
Andrew is an entrepreneur and developer with an emphasis in Microsoft SharePoint and content management systems (CMS). In April of 2005 he was recognized by Microsoft for his community contributions by being awarded Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Microsoft Content Management Server and has received the award annually for SharePoint Server every year since. Most of his work these days involves working with the Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365 and web development technologies.
Read more at about Andrew Connell and follow him on @andrewconnell.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Episode 015 with Andrew Salamatov on Apps for Office in Outlook
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
In episode 14, Jeremy Thake chats to Andrew Salamatov from the Exchange team about Apps for Office in Outlook.
Weekly updates
Developing for Office 365 API with Dan Wahlin
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 support in Azure Active Directory has GA’d! – Active Directory Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
Chris O’Brien: JavaScript-based provisioning in SharePoint/Office 365
Chris O’Brien: Three cloud-friendly ways for developers to provision Managed Metadata fields in SharePoint/Office 365
Adding your web fonts to a font scheme in SharePoint – @eliostruyf
Show notes
Apps for Outlook Power Hour from Build Conference 2014
Microsoft Buildings Outlook App sample
Warranty Repair Outlook App sample
Outlook Power Hour sample
Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About Andrew
Andrew ia senior program manager at Microsoft, having worked there for six years. At Microsoft, Andrew worked on the Exchange team his entire career. Starting on Exchange Web Services, Andrew designed notifications protocol and throttling. Later, he moved on to working on mail apps.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Episode 014 with James Lau on OneNote APIs
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
Thursday Sep 04, 2014
In episode 14, Jeremy Thake chats to James Lau about the OneNote developer story with the public APIs available when accessing notebooks through OneDrive.
Weekly updates
New OneDrive SDK: announcing the Android open file picker on blogs.office.com
Getting started with REST in SharePoint 2013 – Part IV by Christian Stahl
How to add an attachment to a mail via an OWA App by Elio Struyf
SharePoint Online Information Architecture Considerations by Richard diZerega
Open sourcing Exchange Web Services (EWS) Java API on blogs.office.com
Show notes
OneNote Dev Center
Interactive Console
Samples on GitHub
Videos on Channel9
OneNote Developer Team Blog
Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About James
James is the principal lead program manager on the OneNote API team. He and his team is responsible for building the OneNote API developer experience and ecosystem of apps and devices. Prior to OneNote, he led initiatives across Microsoft including projects in the Bing Social Search, Windows Phone Incubations and Visual Studio Extensibility. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, running, biking and enjoying the Pacific Northwest.
You can find James tweeting at @jmslau.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc, a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Episode 013 with Chakkaradeep Chandran on Office 365 APIs in Visual Studio
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
Thursday Aug 28, 2014
In episode 13, Jeremy Thake chats to Chakkaradeep Chandran about the Office 365 APIs in Visual Studio and some of his open source projects.
Weekly updates
Introduction to Office 365 Development training available on-demand from Microsoft Virtual Academy—for free on blogs.office.com
Using the HttpClient Class with SharePoint 2013 REST API by Steve Curran
Using the Exchange Online EWSs API with Office 365 API via Azure AD by Jeremy Thake
System update for SharePoint list items using App model by Vesa Juvonen
Using Azure to SSL-Enable an Http REST Service by Richard diZerega
Show notes
Office 365 API Visual Studio 2013 tools update
Discovery Context update how to guide
Microsoft Virtual Academy Course 1 training module 5 – Intro to Office 365 APIs
Office 365 API docs
Azure AD pricing
Talking to SharePoint CSOM and Exchange EWS with Azure AD auth flow
Code Samples
Xamarin Contacts Code Sample
CRUD samples
Research Project and Expense Project
Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About Chaks
Chaks works as a program manager for Microsoft with the Visual Studio team. He currently owns the Office 365 API tooling developer experience within Visual Studio, which helps developers discover and consume Office 365 services in their applications. This involves understanding how developers use Visual Studio and build an intuitive way to consume services. Chaks assesses product opportunities and defines the required product experience that allows developers to build cloud applications that connect people, documents and enterprise data to collaborate business processes on modern devices. You can find Chaks blogging at http://chakkaradeep.com/ and tweeting at @Chakkaradeep.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc, a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Episode 012 with Alex Randall on SharePoint workflow
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
In episode 12, Jeremy Thake chats to Alex Randall about SharePoint workflow in Visual Studio and some of his open source projects.
Weekly updates
Announcing general availability of Mobile Services .NET support on Microsoft Azure blog
JSON Light support in REST SharePoint API released on Office Blogs
Developing and Deploying Multiple SharePoint 2013 Apps to a Single Azure Web Site by Steve Peschka
Office 365 API My Files CRUD Sample Code by Chaks
SharePoint 2013: Using the App Only policy and App Principals instead of username and password combos by Wictor Wilen
Show notes
Alex’s Office 365 Workflow Reusable Components and Examples on GitHub.com
Extend business processes with Workflow Manager on Channel 9
SharePoint 2013 workflow fundamentals on MSDN.com
Fabian Williams blog
Vesa Juvonen blog
Got questions or comments about the show? Join O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
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About Alex
Alex Randall is a SharePoint senior consultant in Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS). He advises and helps customers migrate to and customize Office 365/SharePoint Online. He has contributed code to Office 365 Development Patterns and Practices and spoken at SharePoint Conference 2014 about SharePoint workflow. Recently, he spoke at an internal Microsoft training event where he demonstrated advanced workflow scenarios in Office 365—for both SharePoint apps and Office apps. Alex has been in software development and IT fields for over 16 years. Before he caught the SharePoint bug in 2003, Alex gained many years of experience in web technologies, .NET and SQL Server custom application development. Alex holds a B.S. in Computer Science and resides near Washington, DC with his wife and son.
You can find Alex blogging at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alex_randall/ and tweeting at @alex_randall.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc, a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Office 365 Developer Podcast: Episode 011 with Imagine Cup finalists
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
In episode 11, Jeremy Thake chats to the two Imagine Cup finalist teams for the Office 365 App Model challenge, which were Team Code Blue, from India and Team iGeek, from China. Team Code Blue built the Molecule maker app and Team iGeek built the Education Toolkit.
Weekly updates
Office 365 APIs using AngularJS standalone websites—samples shipped
Update on the Autohosted Apps Preview Program—part 2
How to: Create your first mail app for Outlook by using a text editor
CloudTopia: Connecting o365, Apps, Azure and Cortana – Part 1
Show notes
Education Toolkit for Office by Team iGeek, China
This toolkit for Computer Science presentations turns Microsoft PowerPoint into a first-class experience for reviewing code before a team or audience. It adds dynamic features familiar from development environments to PowerPoint including: Syntax Highlighting to automatically color-code function names, variables, etc., based on which language the code belongs to; Code Block Expand/Collapse to display or hide function bodies, classes, and comments during a presentation; Click-Jump to Function and Global Variable Definition so the presenter can click a function name or global variable and jump to its definition; and Canvas Mode so the presenter can use a pen and eraser during a presentation to sketch and make notes on the code snippet being presented. With these features, anyone making a presentation on programming can greatly improve their talk and use these interactive features to review and discuss the code on screen.
Molecule Maker by Team CodeBlue, India
Representing molecules visually is critical for scientific and academic writing. Molecule Maker provides a library of molecule visualizations in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These visualizations are available in both 2D and 3D models and can be extensively customized for the needs of the topic before the final result is embedded as an image. You can display the chemical formula, the molecular weight, and much more. For 3D representations you can rotate and zoom the model to focus on just what you need to get the perfect image. Molecules defined in the standard .xyz filetype (Molecular Storage file format) can be imported and rendered. This app will greatly improve documents and presentations for students and lecturers around the world.
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Team Code Blue
Jehi Jha
Neha Valecha
Ankur Bhalla
Team iGeek
Jinta Zheng
Yiwei Zhang
Zhi Tian
Rongjia Liu
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Episode 010 with Richard diZerega
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
In episode 10, Jeremy Thake chats with Richard diZerega about Yammer development.
Weekly updates
Introduction to Office 365 Development Live Webinar Q&A at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Office 365 API Tool for Visual Studio 2013—summer update on Office blogs
Put Some Office in Your Apps on Xamarin Blog
Uploading Large documents in SharePoint Online with REST, CSOM and RPC using C# by Steve Curran
Uploading Large Files to SharePoint 2013 from .NET Using CSOM and REST by Steve Peschka
Show notes
Yammer Developer Center on yammer.com
Integrating Yammer and Microsoft SharePoint using .NET on Channel 9
Yammer Analytics with Excel and Power BI on YouTube (10 minutes)
Yammer mining—dig in and “listen” to what your big *social* data is saying on Channel 9
Social Nucleus on Office Store
Tiny Links on Office Store
Got questions or comments about the show? Join O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network.
The podcast RSS has been submitted to all the stores and marketplaces but takes time. Please add directly with the RSS http://feeds.feedburner.com/Office365DeveloperPodcast.
About Richard
Richard is a solution architect at the Microsoft Technology Center in Dallas, Texas, where he helps large enterprise customers architect solutions that maximize their Microsoft investments. Although a developer at heart, he has spent a good portion of the last decade architecting SharePoint-centric solutions in the areas of Search, Portals/Collaboration, Content/Document Management, and Business Intelligence. He is a passionate and skillful technology evangelist with great interest in innovative solutions that include Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Lync, Kinect, and much more. You can find his blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/richard_dizeregas_blog and follow him on Twitter at @richdizz.
About the host
Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc, a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.
You can find Jeremy blogging at www.jeremythake.com and tweeting at @jthake.